December 16, 2009, 65th Anniversary Of The Battle Of The Bulge

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Senior Master Sergeant
Mar 18, 2007
Jersey Shore, USA
December 16, 2009, the 65th anniversary of the biggest and bloodiest battle in American military history, "The Ardennes Offensive" aka "Battle of the Bulge". Over 19,000 American boys made the ultimate sacrifice.




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Salute to those Allied in the right cause and to those of the opposite side trying to fulfill a mad-mans orders knowing full well the cause was already lost and to attack in vain.

the Ardenne operations were to cost the LW Nachtjagd it's largest losses for any given month in the whole war
Does anyone know if there is a book specifically dedicated to the Battle of the Twin Towns of Krinkelt/Rocherath. It was one of those unknown fights that should be famous but isn't.
Recently read a book about the Bulge, but the initial days before Bastogne was surrounded. I remember Bouck's platoon, and another than held a crossroads (can't remember the name...only remember Bouck's because of Evan's link. I'm horrible with names.) against overwhelming odds, and royally pissed off the Germans when they found out that they'd been held up for a day or two by nothing more than a couple dozen men who simply refused to move. These are the guys who held out long enough that the 101st had time to occupy Bastogne. :salute:

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