Dirk's 1/72 Academy P-51A Mustang Captain Paul Hexter's "Razzle Dazzle" Mustang

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Looking good. This should be fun to watch unfold. I think I know the buffalo scheme of wich you speak and my advise is, DO THEM BOTH! Would be really cool.
Very cool idea Dirk! I've thought about doing that P-51 ever since first saw it years ago but never got to it. Have you seen the camo schemes of the P-36's at the Cleavland Air Races (1939 or 40 I can't remember off hand) Every plane in the squadron had different camo. I did the C/Os plane quite a few years ago. The most complicated camo I ever did. I should dust it off and post it.
I'll be keeping track of this build Dirk!
A quick start to the interior. Again I'm fighting myself to not attempt anything but oob for the interior.

The Interior Parts


Cockpit in place

Dry fit the wings

Wings glued in place. This kit has a great fit and will need very little filler

Sorry, This last photo is a bit blurry but it shows the cockpit in-place along with what I believe is a recon camera mounted behind the pilots seat.

Thanks for looking
That razzle dazzle is going to be tough, and I notice a certain typhoon in one of the shots!
The rear control surfaces were also installed

Last we left this one the cockpit was completed and the fuselage, wings and control surfaces were assembled. Some filler was added, sanded and then added and sanded again. Next it was given a coat of white primer and more filling was needed. Next a coat or two of classic white was added.

Now the fun begins

Here are some drawing I found guidance


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