Do you train any kind of a fighting sport?

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Ho hum. Where to start...

I was the bully u hated from gradeschool all the way to graduation... I used to steal lunch money and pin kids down and spit on their faces to hear them squeal.... I was not a nice kid... I was just plain mean... (Thanks Dad)

We had 2 High Schools in my town, and in High School, we used to have Big ass fights behind Sam's Gym to see which group was allowed to hang out in Friendlies Parking Lot on Weekends (a Restaurant)... Usually there was between 10-20 or so guys, all going at it... No knives, no guns... Just fightin... Sometimes we won, sometimes we got our asses handed to us...

It was all in fun anyways... Teenage angst......

I played hockey, lacrosse and football all the way from Pee-Wee to High School... I was nothing more than an insecure Goon with above average intelligence... My Dad was in Special Forces and brought me up tough... By the age of 13 I was beating the hell outta kids on the ice...

I been trained in a whole bunch of fighting abilities, (around 10 or so....) and have also been to a Krav Marga course similar to what Pisis is going through... It was only 1 day of training though... Excellent stuff....... Very fast... A chick in that class handed me my ass.....

3 things that I actually spent time doing are Tae Kwan Do, Bushidokan and Boxing.... I still spar and train in Tae, and Ill get into a fight or 2 now and then, but the Bushidokan is waaaayyy to physically demanding now...

Street Combat RULES!
I never did fight sports officially, I used to fight a lot though. In this town, it's about all you can do. I used to play rugby though - and although what you see on T.V isn't that rough, the way we used to play used to see more people dragged off the field than walking off. You wouldn't think twice about slamming your elbow into the side of someone's face.

For a year or so I self-trained in the basics of fight skill. I actually got the basic Bruce Lee training regime (No, not the mind stuff, just his exercising!) so I could be fit. It's really good, and hard! All it is now, I know where to hit them and how to hit them. I'm not big (6'1 - 160 lbs) but you can punch twice your weight...if you know how.
LoL... About 10 years ago i made several phone calls to people who I had abused pretty badly in my youth... Part of some therapy I went through... One dude cursed me out, hung up on me, and then proceeded to call me about 8 more times, cussing and threatening me. It was pretty funny.... But it meant something... It helped me realize how mean I really was... Now I can accept it all for what it was...

An insecure idiot with an attitude from his Dad... Therapy is great.. Makes u realize how truly horrible u are LOL...... God, to think of all the $$$ I wasted on that damn Shrink... HA!

(did I actually vent?? OMFG!)
I was horrible at school but I knew I was being horrible. I'm still horrible now - serious attitude problem - but I have to say a lot of people I have a go at do deserve it.
You know, it's funny how things change from time to time. In my sophmore year in high school, I went to a pretty rough school. A lot of fights. After I got my ass whooped a few times, my step dad told me it was time to learn to at least hold my own. He had me boxing and doing Karate (He was a sinsei). But he told me it was just to defend myself and if I ever started it, HE would kick my ass.

Then before my junior year, we moved to a much mellower school. The captain of the football team was a bully. He called me names and would push me around. I had been suspended too many times in my sophmore year and I knew if I got in a fight, my parents would not be happy. So I put up with it for half the school year.

Finally, one day I was walking toward him in the hallway. He shouldered me and sent me flying. That was it for me. I stood up and glared at him as he laughed with his buddies. That was it, and it was on. I put everything into a punch that landed square on his jaw. His head snapped back and his knees went wobbly. His friends got dead quiet, I think they were in total shock. Another shot to the breadbasket and an uppercut and he was down. I kicked him with all I had until a couple of teachers pulled me back.

I bloodied him pretty bad and got a week suspension for it. I didn't care, I had had it. My parents were pretty ticked off, but my step dad heard me out then looked at me with some pride in his eyes and said something like don't do it again. I didn't have to. Nobody messed with me after that. I am just glad that first haymaker landed, or I probably would have been dead meat.
If you land them with a nice, and unexpected one then you've almost certainly secured victory. The shock alone can send someone two or three times your size stumbling. While they're stumbling, you don't want for them to get their composure back...
Yep, and that was the ticket, d. I was all of about 110 lbs at the time and 5'8". This guy was about 6'3" and easily 200 lbs. I guess he didn't see me as a threat since he had gotten away with it for so long. I certainly had the element of surprise and took full advantage of it. I knew I couldn't let him get back up once I had him down.

If I had been at my old school, it would have been a different story. They would jump in to help their buddy and I would have been a bloody mess. I don't think these guys knew what to do when they saw their big hero fall. To be honest, I was pretty lucky. If only one of them had jumped in, the rest would probably have followed.
I was a good little boy at school so that meant getting the gonads knocked out of me every week but I occasionally got a bit upset
one little herbert rabbit punched me and then ran off I knew he could out run me over a distance but I managed to sprint and grab the waist band of his pants and with a mighty tug succeeded in ripping them right off I tell you it was better than a well placed left hook to see this 10 year old almost explode with embarressment in front of all the girls in the school yard. I dont know how people can say that school was the best days of there life mine consisted of being beaten up, caned by the teachers or having them hit me on the nut with a wooden black board duster.
It's a Les Bear Ultimate Master .45acp. Mine looks like this except that it has a custom trigger and different sights. Mine also has an aftermarket recoil spring.


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