**** DONE: 1/32 N1K2-J Shiden-Kai - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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I use something called a quilters pencil with silver lead. I have no idea what quilters do with it but it works very well for paint chipping. Never thought of painting the black first and then the silver, great tip Wayne.

Collins Quilters Marking pencil silver joann.jpg

Wayne, you've mentioned that, silver pencil, before. I've used a silver permanent marker from time to time but a "pencil". Can you post a pic and where do you get them

Great stuff Wayne. I'm interested in the silver pencil too. I know I've asked before, and you and others provided info, but when I checked out the local art shop some time back, their silver pencils looked like they'd have a hard time marking on paper, never mind paint or plastic!

Prismacolour Metallic Silver will see if I can score a couple for you guys...
Just checked an found that Amazon (Italy and UK) sell Prismacolor silver pencils, normally sold in dozen.
Th Italian price is aprox Euro 19 plus freight.
Twelve pieces are really too many for me but, may be, it is possible to organise a cumulative order within Europeans frequenting this forum, what do you think?
They're also on Ebay as individuals and as sets, 12, 48, 64, etc. We have one or two art-type stores in the area going to do some checking.
Ok MADE some time for modelling today seeing as though the last 3 days have had next to no time at all....got stuck into adding some wiring to the engine...those that could be seen through the front cowling at the very least....


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