Thanks Glenn.
Did some work on the cupola which was actually over a week in time. Shown n yellow below is a frame molded on the outside of the glazing which represents the track for the sliding perspex sections. This is supposed to be on the INSIDE so I decided to sand these off, polish the area, and dip the cupola in Future.
Once the Future had cured, I initially tried Terry's method to make the frames (painting some Scotch tape with enamel and cutting slices) but this second attempt at this technique failed me once again as the paint just won't stick to the stuff. The paint pulls right off when you slice the pieces. So plan B was used as shown below where I masked the frame and painted it,
I'm not impressed with how this turned out but will make do after touching up with a fine brush.
The blast plates were masked and sprayed with Alclad steel. Poor lighting on this pic, sorry. The Niphan sockets were painted by hand.
I coated the underside in Future as soon as it had started to cure to prevent scratches but I still got some. Below is the tail wheel installed and there's a visible scratch behind it.
Before installing the main gear, I masked and painted the hedgehog exhausts. This would have been a bit more difficult with the gear in the way
The main gear is now inserted, allowing the model to be set on the bench with a reduced risk of breaking parts off the underside.
A small detail omitted on the model is this small fin in front of the cupola, an easy addition.
That's the progress report for today folks.