Thanks guys.
So between the info I found on the net, the diagram posted by Wojtek, and the info sent to me by Terry, NOTHING matches for the observer's office so I decided to wing it. Also, given the fact that very little will be seen, I am not too fussed about this, as long as there are some vague details visible through the cupola.
The first thing that I was able to confirm is that the back rest on the seat is much to high and interferes with the small instrument panel that needs to go in front of the plate you can see below just above the top of the seat. I therefore cut the seat off to allow for modifications.
Here you can see that I filled in the hollowed out wing roots with Milliput and, while I was at it, I made a cushion for the observer's comfort. As you can see, I already cut the back rest down on the seat int thinned the side walls.
The Milliput I have is the one for fixing chips in clay pots and it's a tad courser than the white stuff most guys use. I bought this stuff before knowing there were even different kinds available and this was the only one on the shelf at the store. Yes, the application is quite rough but is far from the viewable area. Also seen is the ammo box for the rear gun which I built up form card.
Below is the observer's area with final details installed and awaiting paint. Before adding all this stuff, I weathered the interior skin and structure details and scratched in some yellow paint to resemble some labeling. On the port side, from left to right, are the emergency latch pointed out by Terry, the T-pull for the dinghy release just below it, ammo box (now painted), latch mechanism for the hatch, a spare trailing antenna reel, and a electrical box.
On the starboard side, from left to right, I created a sliding map table and possibly fictional support structure, some more electronic boxes (sawn off wooden paint stirrer), trailing antenna reel, a couple of boxes representing the A1134 amplifier and, next to it, a switch panel, some more miscellaneous junction boxes, and finally the T1154 transmitter, scratch built form card and rod.
Here's the starboard side with the seat back in and all the details painted. The seat belts are just masking tape.
Here's the port side with painting completed. I also added a PE ammo belt coming out of the box and going in behind a roller. The rest of the belt will do in once the gun is installed.
With that all done, the fuselage has been cemented together and will be set aside pending addition of engine and wheel well details..
Thanks for looking in gents.