Thanks John.
I'm now giving more attention to the wings. Below can be seen the application of some Tamiya surface primer to prepare for smoothing the seam on the oil cooler. I have alos added the clear part for the landing lights and puttied and primed this smooth. The lights were faired over on the rocket-armed Beaus as they lenses would not survive the blast from the rockets.
The yellow arrow points to the little bump, or scoop that I was wondering about in the earlier post.
Researching this was a bit frustrating as there were apparently no definitive pics to prove the presence of this detail. That is until I looked very closely at a very good portrait of one of my aircraft's contemporaries on 404 Squadron (aircraft H - NE355) and saw, as shown on this zoomed-in detail that there is definitely a circular faired opening at this location. I won't bore you with more pics that I looked at but, suffice to say that I have good pics of the Duxford Mk X that shows this detail to be on the port wing only.
This pic, which I found when looking for oil cooler details, also shows the small fairing just outside of the cooler. Though this is an Aussie Mk XXI, it also shows that the oil cooler detail is a bit different than what the model has molded and that there is a thin exit flap on the back of the cooler. This is molded as a solid chunk on the model and I will make this look a little more realistic.
Here you can see that I've set about removing the block representing the exit flap. I'll replace this with some thin plastic card once all the heavy smoothing work is finished. The little intake that I spoke of above has been filed off and will be replaced with a scratch built detail.
Terry mentioned the presence of some raised patches which should not be there and I did verify this against a plan view drawing. These will be filed off. The rest of the panel lines seem to be reasonably close so I'm not going to bother moving these, though I will need to ad some fasteners to the MG access panels.
Also, Terry correctly mentioned that the trim tab actuators on the elevators were on the wrong side. Right again Terry and I appreciate you pointing that out as I may have noticed this too late.
I've trimmed these off, sanded the area and added the groove for the tabs. I'll need to check how this looks with some primer before installing the stabilizers as I prefer getting this work done before they are attached to the fuselage. The actuators are actually quite delicate and will be added on the underside near the end of final assembly, along with the small T-shaped radio altimeter antennae.
There are also some small tab actuators in the above pic that I have neglected to remove that should also go on the bottom. The thought has crossed my mind now that I may just cut these elevators off and flip them around, deflecting them downward in the process. That's a decision for another day.