**** DONE: 1/48 F-101B Voodoo – The Jet Age. (1 Viewer)

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This turning out very nicely Vic! I really like the decal work. Interesting to see the raised panel lines... don't see that very often these days.
Thanks again for looking in guys and for the kind words and well spotted John, they are raised panel lines on what is an old Revell-Monogram kit, this one was released in 1985 when raised panel lines were the new thing on aircraft kits. It also shows that I was completely lazy and decided to leave them as is, rather than do that hated job of re-scribing.

Anyway folks, she is done and here is a sneak preview. All I have to do now is take some comp pics once I find a decent light location in our new home.

20150721 a.jpg

20150721 b.jpg

20150721 c.jpg

20150721 d.jpg

My apologies for the flash pics.

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