<> **** DONE: 1/48 F4U-7 (BuNo. 33710) - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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Oh I was busy in more ways than one. First the parts....

.....now the next busy. Searching through all of my paint for interior green, I could only find a half full bottle of old Model Master Acryl. No instructions on how to thin it so off to the interwebs in which I found one article saying it was airbrush ready but could benefit a few drops of "Universal Thinner". WTF is universal thinner, quote I? Another quick search and I found it is something I don't want for half a bottle of paint so trusting the first site I sprayed full strength. So far so good but when it came time to clean the AB... First I rinsed everything with water and then used lacquer thinner for the first time. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, everything jelled up so I spent the next hour running Tamiya Thinner, Vallejo Airbrush Cleaner, lacquer thinner...repeat repeat repeat until everything started flowing again. Anyhoo.....this is also my first attempt at pre-shading.

I also did the floor and joystick part, but promptly forgot the seat parts. Not wanting to go through the cleaning nightmare again I added 2 parts Tamiya Lemon Yellow XF-8 (Flat Yellow XF-3 would probably be a better choice but this is all I had on hand) and one part Flat Green XF-5 and the end result was very close.

That's it for me, camp bus in 25 minutes. Have a good week gentlemen.


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