A bit more (slow!) progress to show. In the final stages now, when it gets difficult due to fiddly bits and lots of protrusions!
PIC 1. Windscreen internal rim and cockpit sills painted, with light paint wear, and refuelling probe painted.
PIC 2. Canopy sorted, frame re-painted, and sealer strip painted. Just needs cleaning now, to eliminate those finger prints!
PICS 3 and 4. Fuselage exhaust staining (or more correctly - jet efflux deposits!). The port side needs a bit of refinement, and the serial number decals require another coat of semi-matt clear.
PIC 5. A little top side staining and light weathering.
PIC 6. Wing tip details painted. The nav lamp has yet to be glazed.
PIC 7. The wing tanks and missile pylons have been assembled, painted, and details picked out. These will be mounted later, but I probably won't use the missiles. Decals have yet to be applied to the tanks, after gloss coating.
Thanks again for your continued interest, and I hope to post some more over the weekend.