Thanks everyone for checking in and leaving your comments! I'll remember the tip about wiping off the residue from the BluTack. This one is fast approaching completion as I got a lot done today.
Time for decals! I cut out the aircraft code letters from a set of Aviaeology 1/48 black 8" RAF codes.
I got a nice Christmas present from Andy... a pair of white RAF "Y" codes for my DN323... Thank you very much sir! In my haste to get them ready, I tore off a little corner of one of the "Y". Should not be a problem. Per Andy's suggestion, I shot them with a light coat of gloss since they are old.
Here is the torn "Y" decal in place. I shot this one with a spot of clear and then carefully masked the corner of the "Y".
The "Y" is fixed. Not a perfect masking job but it should be adequate after all of the weathering.
Not too many decals on this bird. One thing about the decals... the Techmod decals were ditched in favor of the kit stickers, at least for the main insignias. After an initial test on one of the unused decals (it ripped during application), I sprayed them with a light clear coat. But I could get them to conform to the panel lines despite multiple applications of Microset/Microsol. The Hasegawa decals weren't much better but they settled down a little better.
After the decals, I gave the model a spray of flat. I noticed that the decals along the panel lines lifted after spending lots of time getting them to conform. Does anyone know... would a clear gloss coat prior to the flat help keep decals down? I didn't have many decals with lots of clear carrier so I just went straight to the flat coat.
Some views of the weathering in outside light...
All I have to do are the fiddly bits, which have already been pre-painted. I leave off with a picture of the wingtip lights. I went to the trouble of drilling little holes and filling the holes with green and red paint to simulate the light bulbs. These were attached with white glue but wouldn't you know it... one dropped off somewhere.
The fiddly bits are all attached including the door in the open position. This model should be done but I spent the last couple of hours grinding out a replacement light for the wing tip and it doesn't fit very well. I've glued it in place with proper modeling glue. It'll take some grinding and polishing tomorrow to get it took reasonable... the last thing I wanted to do since that will most likely require some repainting/weathering on both the top and bottom of the wing tips... arrgh!
If all goes well, I should have some pictures tomorrow with everything attached!