**** DONE: 1/48 Hurricane MkIIc - Mediterranean Theatre of Operations

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Thanks Dave.

I borrowed John's idea of making a wash with pastel chalk, water and dish soap and plastered the mix onto the panel lines. Before doing so, I went over some of the Middle Stone areas that did not turn out well (softened the orange looking streaks and fixed where the Dark Earth crept under the masks) and while I was at it, made the rest of the finish look a bit patchy. This created some flat areas on my otherwise glossy surface and was not exactly the best thing for being able to remove the wash cleanly.

Nonetheless, I did remove the wash sufficiently with the pleasant result that the surface was grimed up a bit to add to the overall weathered look. The next pics show the finished wash, a matte coat applied, and the canopy and light masks removed.

A bit more scuffing will be done as well as the obligatory exhaust staining. The underside was also finished off in a similar way and is seeing some initial weathering, though much more will be done.

Thanks for your continued interest.
A great finish Andy!

Thanks guys. I'm debating going back over the panel lines on the outer areas of the wings to tone them down a bit.

That's the nice thing about a water/pastel wash... it's easily removable even after a long time. Just as long as you do it before a clear coat!
Thanks very much guys.

Andy that has got to be one of the best Hurri's I have seen in 1/48 ;excellent paint

High praise indeed Kevin, but I suggest maybe you look around more! Kidding aside, I'm flattered, thanks.

A great finish Andy!
That's the nice thing about a water/pastel wash... it's easily removable even after a long time. Just as long as you do it before a clear coat!

Well John, unfortunately, I had already sealed it with a flat coat so I scratched a bit out with a dental pick and mixed up a new batch of wash that was a lighter brown and applied it directly into the lines. Looking back on this, the right thing to do would have been to gloss coat everything again because the wash, though I applied it carefully, left some water marks in the flat finish that were only partly removed by spraying another flat coat on. However, as it is now, you need to look pretty hard to see the marks. Another lesson learned and another imperfect finish that I'll need to live with......

Anyway, this is one of the wings now with the panel lines toned down. Since last time, I also applied another flat coat cut with a bit of Tamiya XF-59 Dessert Yellow to give the overall model a dusty look and to remove the brightness of the decals.

Here you can see the effect of the dusty coat as well:

The prop was assembled, painted and suitably chipped. I don't think I showed this earlier but the blades were thinned significantly with a file as they looked very thick and clunky. The exhaust stubs were also added after reshaping them to more resemble the fish tail style. Not seen here is the rear side of the stubs, which saw much thinning and shaping to get them to look right. The exhaust stains were airbrushed on and given that curve characteristically seen on Hurricanes.

The underside also got plenty of grime and also received a dust coat, giving it a bit of a brown tinge that is not readily seen in these pics. As you can see, I added plenty of oil stains emanating from the spinner area and the vent hole. These stains, as with the ones on the spinner, were also added with a black 0.5mm artist's pen. The black streaks are a combination of airbrushed acrylic and pastels anf I think I'll add a bit more in browns as well.

That's what I got done this weekend. I'll now need to turn my attention to finishing the undercarriage, adding the vac formed canopy, and then all the fiddly bits. Thanks for the kudos guys. I appreciate you following along.

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