**** DONE: 1/48 Junkers Ju 52/3M - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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I'll dig them out, scan and send them Vic. Somewhere, I have some photos I took of the interior of one which was flying in the UK in the 1980s, with the para seats, gun position etc still in place, and the cockpit almost original, apart from some modern navcom equipment. IF I can find them amongst my 35mm slides, I'll scan those too. (BTW, the 'MG15' had been converted and connected to a gas cannister via a rotary valve, which allowed the 'gunner' to 'pop off' at the crowd during low passes at air shows!)
Found them, along with source on who took the pictures.


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Few more he had sent me a few years ago. If I remember right this one is in the musuem he works for.


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Terry, many thanks mate, just got your email but not had time to look at it. Will be in touch later.

There are some pictures on the inside posted here from Gunther. I may also have some more that he sent me around here. Will see if I can find them.

Wow Paul, thanks for those links, some incredible stuff in them especially the last one. Lots' of food for thought.

Thanks again Paul for the second post, was so busy looking at the first and downloading, did not think to check before replying. Some good pics. Thanks again.
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Your welcome Vic, as you can tell this from the one thread link I posted that this is one aircraft that has always interested me. You might say it pulled me out from under the dust to do some research. I have quite a few books on this type of aircraft if you need something I will try and help if you want it.

All the best
Thanks guys,

I forgot I had taken these last year at EAA. It flew all the way from Germany for the show. Maybe they will help as well


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I've always liked the looks of this bird and am patiently waiting to find a moderately priced one. Let the magic commence Vic. Some nice shots Paul, filed away for future reference.

Thanks again Paul, it's a formidable looking machine.

I was reading yesterday that the Transportverband who put up 493 Ju 52/3ms with 230 80 DFS gliders for the invasion lost during the three assault operation 174 Ju 52s and some 7000 casualties, including approximately 2000 paratroopers. Some losses were the result of confusion at the departing airfields through the intense activity and huge dust clouds thrown up by the aircraft backwash and to the Allied defensive ground fire.

Thanks guys,

Yeah Vic, she truely was the work horse for the Luftwaffe. Its a shame not more survived the war like the DC-3/C-47. I am just throwing shots up Vic. If you need something specific let me know. I may have it. I just figured color ones work best
Thanks again Paul, I'm still pondering what I'm going to do with this kit and have still to seriously look at what is provided in the kit, what extra bits I have and what I can scratch up. I'm still thinking of dissecting bits of the fuselage to show internal detail which at this stage looks quite basic.

You know Vic, its just an idea but I beleive I have a picture of Aircraft engines being either loaded or unloaded with a crane from a Junkers Ju-52. Let me see if I can find it again. Be kinda neat seeing some thing like that inside of the aircraft. Then the attention would be drawn to the engines.
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Oh Wow! Wasn't thinking of the freight door, it has potential.

Will have to see if I can find a spare engine somewhere!..Maybe my Jumo 004 from the Me 262 a couple of builds back?
Thanks for the offer Terry, but I'm sure I have something similar tucked away somewhere. Also looking at the kit, this could well be the way to go.
Looking forward to this one mate, got two myself! One is set aside for a aircraft that went MIA flying between bases in Finland and Norway, crew plus 14 passengers I think...
The other one is still to be decided...

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