**** DONE: 1/48 Me262A-1a KG(J)54 - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Go right ahead Evan.. thanks again Guys...

got the gloss on late yesterday and started on the decals today....going well until the final bit of the checkerband began to settle....then I was most unhappy....it started cracking and I could do nothing as i had put on some decal softener...touching it would only have made things worse, so repairs will be in order....will put the other side down first before repairs just in case there is more....

Even the Tadpole decal matched perfectly with my RLM70...


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Beautiful job, and those cracked decals are just a minor irritation to a man of your calibre!
I really like the look of the filled panel joints beneath the paint - been wanting to do one like that, just in primer and metal.
Thanks Guys, the other side cracked too....in 2 places... the worst was right through the middle of the Blue and white checker on the curve of the fuselage, boy did I swear.
removed the larger broken upper section and cut it directly along the edge of the checker pattern and then fitted the broken piece as best i could on the curve, got it pretty good but still visible as you can see in one of the close ups below...then i applied the upper section of the checker right up against the other section where i cut it that went on no problem until i had to get it to conform in the upper front section of the tail then it split again so more work there....other decals went on fine.
I'm considering just buying another set cutting out the squares and overlaying the damaged sections with new squares...I will never match that blue colour with paint....
Added the tadpole decal also didn't quite line up perfectly along the front edge of the vertical stab so added a bit of RLM70 with the brush, once this is glossed over it will blend just right.
i also determined that I had also used the wrong rudder....was going to leave it but the early 262's had a clear covered light on the bottom of the rudder and even though most of the 'tadpole' decal would cover it and it wouldn't be noticed I had to correct my oversight, so out came the small razor saw and i removed the corner section to put the clear one in place, will get that sorted tomorrow.


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Damn, not an easy fix then Wayne...
From memory, Humbrol's 14 French Blue was a a close match for that checker colour - might be worth a shot stripping the decals and airbrushing it, especially if you need new decals anyway..?
My lack of years in this slaps me in the face now and then..... well, more often than that.... So.... Hu 14 eh??? Ahmayzing.

You got another beaut there Wayne. Can't wait to see what the final solution will be for the decal.
I'm kinda with Evan Wayne and think that with your skills you should be able to mask and paint the checker. Shame about the decals but not surprising really with the bends they need to make.

Still, it's looking really good, notwithstanding the cracks which I'm sure you'll get sorted somehow.
Cheers guys...getting an extra decal sheet to hopefully solve the checkerband problem, should have it tomorrow, if I had plenty of time might have gone the mask and paint road but I don't want any further delays if I can avoid them...

So, yesterday added the clear tail light cover and proceeded to apply the remaining tail decals, port side went on clean the starboard side rudder had a raised actuator piece so i decided to cut the decal in to 3 sections and apply it to avoid a wrinkle problem over the raised detail...this method sorted that issue out nicely..no problem!

Today lunchtime was cut short so only had time to add the white hakenkreuz to both sides of the fin...


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