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I used to use a chromate yellow from Humbrol, but it was discontinued years ago. Ever since, I've mixed my own, varying the shade (as per the real thing) to suit the requirement. Just use matt yellow, and a spot of green, sometimes a tiny spot of white and, for a more realistic sheen, when needed, a coat of clear semi-matt.
Thank you Woody. And you to Terry. That info may come in handy if they quit making it. And I hope you can get the fingers operational again.
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Agreed! Nothing like a little variance in shades, much more realistic.
Been hammer'in away at it today. rear stabilizers are in place, main wings are assembled, and seams have been filled. Waiting for the filler to dry and I am going to try the Q-Tip and Cutex sanding method Andy mentioned. Kept filler as neat and small as I could so it should go quicker with much less sanding. I've not ever put a model together that goes together as nice as this one. Man, this is nice.
That XF-4 is what I used on my Corsair, however I darkened it just a bit as it's sooooo bright yellow.

And...... it depends on the "color' of your flash, what color we get here!
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No don't let me forgot Xf-4 + Flat Green (I think its Xf-5) I usually play around till I get a nice almost neony color to it, I'll send a photo of the mix this week to ya They create a great mix together. XF-4 on its own is too yellowish, I usually use it on its own as a base coat with a little bit of yellow for Bf-109 cowls at times.
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Ok folks, here's what's happened so far. I still have some filling to do, and a word of advice. If you get Cutex to do the paperless sanding, get the weakest version. I made the mistake of getting the "Removes two times faster" stuff, and it will mess up your plastic if you get carried away. Must use very little pressure and be patient. Overall, I like the way it works though. The main wings are not permanently fastened yet. Still have some detail work to do to them before they become part of the ship. Just checking the fit. Instructions wanted the lamp lenses installed on wingtips now but I'm going to wait until the last to install them. Less headache,.............I hope. And a photo of the Chromate Yellow bottle to. It's actually listed in the store inventory as Zinc Chromate Yellow but on the shelf as just Chromate Yellow.


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