<> **** DONE: 1/48 PBY-5 - WW1 / WW2 over Water.

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Made ir back down to the bench today after planting peas, two types of onions, beets, lettuce and some garlic. Lots more to stick in the ground but it is still not warm enough. On the upside, by next weekend I should be able to pick my first batch of rhubarb and I see a pie in my future.

Anyhow, got a bit more done today and finally took the plunge on something I have been pondering during this build. I always have difficulty in simulating oil spatter and stains which were very prevalent on in theater aircraft. With that in mind I filled an old paint bottle with olive oil and then mixed in some black, finely ground pastel. It mixed beautifully.

I applied it to the inside of the engine cowls and engines and it looks pretty good. Getting braver I then applied it to the cowlings themselves and was quite pleased with the result. I then took an old brush and dipped it into the jar of oil and then using my thumb I played the bristles which spattered the oil across the tail planes simulating throwback from the engines. I like the look and will continue with this on the fuselage once I have applied the dullcoat. I am waiting a couple of days to give the decals a chance to thoroughly dry.

Anyhow, here are three showing today's progress. Once again the wings and tail planes are just set into place.


Work continues albeit slowly on this project. Waist blister machine guns have been added, fuel vent pipes and depth charges attached and a smidgen more oil staining at the front end has been applied. The elevators have now been glued into place as weel

I am currently working on the wingtip pontoons and hope to have them finished and attached before the end of the day.



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