I'm pretty sure they're made for the Monogram kit. I put them together last night and test fitted them to find that the nose gear was way too long, the tail almost touching the ground. The Monogram kit must have a deeper nose gear well. Made a quick modification so it would go in deeper and the plane had the proper stance compared to photos of the real thing.
Thanks guys.
I did all the panel line work tonight, this time black tempera cut with a little water. I needed something that wouldn't react with the silver enamel or Future since both are present on the surface. It wanted to bead up rather than flow into the lines, but with a little persistence it worked out, and it cleaned up nicely with water.
Water based washes have never worked well for me. Learned the hard way that thinning an oil based wash with lacquer thinner is asking for trouble so am now using regular paint thinner with artist oils. So far have not had any problems with this reacting with Future or acrylic paints.
What I usually use over Future is Model Master enamel cut way down with mineral spirits. The Future is impervious to the mineral spirits and it cleans up very good. If I'm working on an enamel base I use Model Master Acryl cut with rubbing alcohol. If I'm putting the wash over Future and want to get a weathered look at the same time I use the Acryl/alcohol mix. The alcohol cuts into the Future some and leaves a dirty look. The reason I went with a water based wash this time is that some of the panels are coated with Future wile others are just the silver enamel paint and I needed a wash that was safe for both.