After putting on the tail numbers and much struggle with the landing light on the nose gear it's finially done!
Landing light was a nightmare. Here's the sequence of construction:
1. Misplaced strong reading glasses so working half blind
2. Managed to paint it on the sprue without really seeing it without F-ing it up
3. Cut it off the sprue and pick it up with tweezers and it goes flying
4. After 15 minutes of searching I find it and after much struggle attach it with CA
5. While admiring what a good job I did I realise it's on the wrong side or the gear leg. Reason: The picture of the light is right side up, but the model is upside down.
6. Took it off and it goes flying again.
7. Only 10 minutes to find it this time during which I put my forearm down onto the bottle cap with CA on it (a common occurrence)
8. Put it on, but when the CA takes up its facing crooked.
9. Try again and it finally sticks in the right place facing the right way(the light can be seen in picture 2)
Looking at the pictures I just realized that I had not put on the pitot tube. It's all painted and ready to go so will be on for the official pictures tomorrow.