Thanks again guys. Been busy lately but finally got some work done. The fuselage halves have been assembled, puttied, sanded and painted to check for flaws. I had to cut all the locating pins off as they were to long and keeping the halves from joining up properly. I also had to glue in a piece of sprue to use as a spreader. If I hadn't done that there would be an enormous amount of filling to do at the wing root.
The wings were pretty straightforward but I suspect the flaps are going to be a pain. Still and all, it is a very nice kit.
Thanks for the kind words guys. Well, I was right about the flaps being a pain. They required much test fitting and sanding to achieve a good joint. There was also a pretty good seem at the rear of the wing assembly where it joins the fuselage that required filling. Airfix still makes a nice kit though, especially for the price. The only foul up was right after I started airbrushing. I realized after the first pass that I had forgotten to mask off the light underneath. ( Insert expletive here ) !!! That will be a pain to fix but doable.
As hoped, the spreader made the wing root joint tight enough that no filler is required.