**** DONE: 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vb Trop – Home Country Modern Aircraft/Spitfire Marks GB

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Thanks guys. Can anyone tell me if the lower identification lamp is supposed to be clear as the Tamiya instructions indicate or is it red like in some pictures I've seen?
Here it is pretty much finished with the exception of a couple of little things. I got the light painted on the bottom and cleaned up and ready to install and lost it to the carpet monster. I filled it with clear glass glue and I'll paint it once it dries. The pics kinda suck, I really need to get a cheap soft box light tent. I'll create a finished thread when I get everything finished up. This is the quickest I have ever built a model, feels good to get it done.

Strange! I posted a reply yesterday, and it's gone! Anyway, very nicely done, and I like the addition of the original IFF wires, used before the later dipole under the wing.
Looking really great Jason. But according to pictures I found via the net , the Spitfire was equipped with the Aboukir filter.

Looking really great Jason. But according to pictures I found via the net , the Spitfire was equipped with the Aboukir filter.

Just built what it called out for in the instructions, this is the Tamiya version of the Aboukir filter, I guess they got the shape wrong. Didn't really look for any reference pics of this aircraft. Thanks for bringing it to my attention though, I'll make sure to correct it if I ever build another one.
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Lovely finish. I really like the weathering. It's a pity if the filter is wrong, especially as Tamiya are usually so reliable. But a really nice build, nonetheless.



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