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Thanks all and again, great info Terry. Got the beast painted but I'm not happy with it. Used a spray bomb, it's shiny, but the paint came out like a fire-hose. From certain angles it doesn't look bad...if you stand far away...and squint...with one eye...and the eye's infected...and it's dark out. The paint takes a while to dry so I'll get a few photos to post in the A.M. and then decal in a couple of days.


Edit. Thought I would save paper and post this mornings photos here. Mmmmm, shiny.

Again, Geo
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Finishing the little bits. The canopy has a mold seam down the center. The finest grit sand paper I can buy in the little burg is 800 so I'm wondering if those womanly 3 in1 sanding sticks will work in eliminating the seam?

Those nail polishing sticks are a wonder of science to the modeller, I've a four grade one that I'd not live without, the emery (rough) end will get rid of the mould line and by using the smoothing ends and then the polish end you should bring it up nice and shiny. You can also use a car cutting polish on a 'Q' top to help bring up the final shine, clean this off with a well washed dry piece of cotton cloth.

BTW it is also possible to get finer grade paper or sticks up to 2400 grade. I can point you in that direction if your interested.
Thanks all. Guys, I experimented with the seam on the frame and couldn't get it completely clear. On my way for testing as we speak, so if anyone could advise me in the next 10 hrs what I did wrong, I may chicken out and leave the seam on the clear part of the canopy. Thanks in advance.

A such sanding always should be done before painting ,also polishing of sanded areas. Painting of a model before you can make all seams smooth is a kind of wasting of money, paint and time. Because the way of doing that is always the "double work". But it is possible to do that as you did. Looking at these pictures I've gotten an impression that all was fine with seams there. So what is the problem?
Looking good Geo. I agree with Vic re the removal of the canopy seam. Sand it off gently, but don't worry too much about fine scratches on the surrounding area - these will polish off with the car paint colour restorer or metal polish. (use metal polish sparingly, and wash off completely when finished - it can make clear parts brittle). A final polish with toothpaste, then a soft cloth, will bring it up a treat, then a coat of Future will make it gleam.
"NO Geo" don't go for any coarse stuff or you could end up with so nasty deep scratches. If you have six grades, I'd tend to skip the to three and just use the finer ones. Try it out on a bit of clear plastic i.e. clear sprue or even the clear sleeve from a DVD just to test out the coarseness of the emery.
Good info guys...however...oh well, it might take a while using the last two steps. Going to P.G. in a week or so, they might have finer grit paper. The decals start. The fuselage flash is in one piece and holding the cut out decal to the side it looks like it might be a tad too long so I'm going to cut it into three pieces.


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