Thanks everyone. Some advances this week, starting with the instrument panel. Difficult to see but the dials and numbers were scratched into the white, a Future coat applied to the IP to give it a semi-gloss appearance, and the dial faces dabbed in Future to simulate the glass.
The engine, as supplied with the kit, completed with perhaps the odd detail paint yet to be added:
The interior green colour was mixed with 3 shades of Tamiya paints. The bases coat was applied, then darkened slightly with black to go over shaded areas. Then some lighter green was dry brushed over the high points before applying a coat of Future to provide a semi-gloss finish:
Assembly was then started to get the cockpit assembly onto the port fuselage half. This will be sequentially glued and clamped to ensure that everything lines up properly as there's a lot to fit here. I finally decided to make the delineating bulkhead bronze green on one side and interior green on the other.
The bomb bay doors and actuators were a bit of a pain with the instructions not being very clear. The doors came as one piece on each side and it looked initially like they would only need to be bent. However, further fiddling and checking of references confirmed that they needed to be completely separated and re-attached to the actuators:
A lot more highlights and details have yet to be painted to complete the above areas and I hope to get at these activities throughout the week. Thanks for checking in.