**** DONE: 1/72 Nakajima J1N1-Sa Gekko - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Hey Sergio, are you really 'not-competing' with this build or is that a cut and paste error on your entry.
Just checking mate!

It's okay, it's not a confusion, Vic is non-Competing,

I said it would go to "compete" with the boomerang, george and harpoon if he, the irving in principle if I would go to the competition but almost better not, have never liked the competitions, only when I play sports (basketball or when played rugby), I have seen as I already happened in other GB that the plane I do out of competition left me very well as what s in the competition are not even for similar neglect as is or can do, so I'm thinking to cease competing but not participate ...
is still much to do inside but good so it goes, the other side and I have also begun to detail.

The platform will also detailing, came without the armored bulkhead of the pilot, not the lung compressed air gunner instruments were not too bad but I'll do it as it was like, I'd have to redo it completely and do not seem right because I do not stay well

if all goes well tomorrow I will have everything ready to begin painting the interior
Wow, Sergio. You are the maestro of small scale detailing. Looking good.


thanks geo

not that this fact to make it look like what it was, at this scale is easier than Otera scale detail because by the very fact of being so small everything with almost nothing done.

the only thing complicated is to do with thread ribs 0'2mm else is measure mark and cut.
good at all.

I bring all detailed just need the structure of type 99 guns already taken measures and mounting, I'm actually cutting the rods to start assembling interior, but the rest is all done took me all day yesterday as tube the problem that the cyano is me just up within 21 days I do not get the zap and I got to go shopping in a supermarket low cost to get by, it's not the best solution since it has not been as good the cyano capiliridad and did not have nearly stagnated, but good has dealt with and has been taken out pretty well I think.

I made the dashboard pilot not doing as well as I would have liked ... but I seem acceptable???

the two seats to mimic the weight lightening holes (typical of Japanese aircraft), and their size started to drill me 0'2mm but broke after having to leave to pick up the phone again adorable cat is me went up to the table and throw the manual drill down, with the bad luck that the bit broke, so do not buy another until now that is pay and benefits this year is succulent, do not drill, so that old airbrush needle holes I do not what is more beautiful but worse remained unfinished drilling

today to change a little much detail and I'll post detailed painting, I start to paint inside.

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