**** DONE: GB- 35 1/144 F-4 Phantom - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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Master Sergeant
Aug 1, 2011
User Name: Rogi
Name: Igor
categore: intermediate
Kit: Hobbycraft F-4E
Scale: 1/144
Accessories: none, possibly something scratch built.

This is the first kit I did with my father those years back and I thought why not slip in last minute and take part in the GB, and take some time off school and complete one. In old school vintage fashion I'll pick up my paint brush for this kit and do it without an airbrush just to see if I'm still ok with the old brushes

I still have to pick the subject (you know me with these indecisions) but most likely one of the birds out of Korat with the Shark Mouth. I'll update tomorrow with the build.
Progress so far, a planned 3 day painting of the cockpit turned into a week, the side walls of the cockpit itself are very coarse and I didn't notice until I had the second coat on. Since I'm no expert I used the Tamiya suggested color from online sources of Xf-54 Dark Sea Grey It turned out well and I added a subtle shading.

about 8-10 light coats on the cockpit. Additonal parts added were the separation between the sections of the cockpit (made from styrene sheet and cut to fit) , the cockpit itself is sparse, basic and I'll have to add a bit more to make it presentable.

I managed to glue the underwing tanks (two part tanks) and fix the seam, I'll add some paint tomorrow to check and maybe practice some coats on them. I hope I can finish this in time, I had planned something big for this kit, but I think I'll wait on my next F-4 and just focus on trying to finish this kit in the meantime.

Hopefully a new update at the end of the weekend. Thanks all for checking it out and for comments
I don't think I'll make it (is there any chance for an extension :S) , this upper seam section has been beating me down again and again (delayed the build by 4 days) but I have to get it right. Progress since the last update was attaching the two fuselage sections (no detail in the cockpit as it is barley visible, I'll handle the ejection seats tomorrow and update soon) and fixing the seams (surprisingly a lot of seams for such a little kit, but nearly all were fixed the first time with putty, thankfully the additional cockpit walls only needed minor touch ups with putty on one wall)
The only thing that keeps re-appearing is that evil upper seam, I almost had it yesterday but it was slightly visible.

At least two things are set for now, the wings were glued on today (fixing the wing seams for tomorrow) and its pretty much 80% built, in terms of putty. its the thing that will either make me, or break me.....
Progress so far
Upper seam, so evil, I always add aluminum paint to check the seam, the best color for it highlighted with today's addition of putty.

The rest of the aircraft, I'll try and take some photos in the morning when there is better light.

Thanks all for checking and any comments
I'm fine if you want to extend - is a week enough?

If a week from our deadline is ok, so instead of Dec. 1st to Dec. 8th that would be amazing and I think it would be enough for me *crosses fingers* hopefully the putty monster won't take me out of action :O Thank you so much
OK, I'll send out a note. The GB was actually ending on the 3rd - always the first Sunday of the month.

If its ending on the 3rd (no idea why I thought it was the 1st :S) , could we do to the 10th, 2 days might not mean a lot but if this putty doesn't go well 2 days would mean a lot and I hope the other competitors won't mind

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