**** DONE: GB- 35 1/144 F-4 Phantom - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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A big update on this one, since I noticed some extra things that needed to be puttied and re-scribed. The extra time gives a bit of extra fine tuning :D yaaa thank you all for the extension :D
First, the wing has what looks like two ejector marks, it looks like the wings were bent and then the mold ejected with the two "stripes" remaining on the wings from the force of the ejection. I've highlighted them here on the same kit (thankfully I have a couple in the pile as I forgot to take a photo on the one I'm building)

and here, fixed on the model but I forgot to take pics of the putty :D was an interesting 2 day process for the repair, with just an additional stripe of putty yesterday to take care of my re-scribing error on the first go (the left wing went flawlessly and re-scribed great, but my hand slipped while doing the right one just before I finished :O ) will hopefully be repaired today:

The Spine and cockpit area highlighted showing the putty that has fixed the seam after a little sanding, of course aluminum paint to highlight any irregularities that need further fixing:

The area underneath the cockpit, again seam repaired successfully :)

Bottom half with the repaired seam, maybe a little bit of sanding is still needed but it looks ok.

Engine intakes, seams taken care of almost:

One section of the tail (pink) needs to be fixed with some putty, and the under section (orange) on each side needs repair:

That's all for today thanks all for checking it out and any comments :)
Thanks all :D almost there :D

seam on the tail, side and front of the fuselage fixed,

and upper wings re-scribed:

That's it for now, I have to get the tail done, and some other small tip bits but its almost there :D hopefully by Wednesday/Thursday I can start painting the final scheme, although I'm very tempted to try and find an all aluminum Phantom, it sure looks good in aluminum :D
Good stuff Igor. How's the fit of the intakes? Might want to put those on before the tail feathers in case you have more putty and sanding to do.

Andy, I totally forgot about the intakes but yesterday I got them glued in, the fit is somewhat ok (just above bad but below ok :) with hopefully a day of putty,

I fiddled with the fit but I think the sides and top look good, little putty here and sanding and should be ok.


The worst fit is the bottom but it was a trade off, either the sides or the bottom so I think it'll be ok with some putty

That's it for now :D Thanks all :)
Thanks all :) further update, intakes are going ok, another day of putty on them just to fix small things here and there, I fitted the tail pieces and the fit stinks :( I'll have to try and do something today with it, this is the only other thing that needs putty so hopefully it will sort itself out by Friday.

As for the intakes, once side and the other side rescribed

I've highlighted the area in red which needs more work, the putty didn't lay down level so I'll have to re-do this portion, the two green areas were sections where I had to fill holes with putty (there was a noticeable gap between these areas where the "intake" didn't fit flush with the "'flappy" separating part :S

Next, I'll have to make a little room for air vents, I was thinking just to re-scribe what was already there, or leave it alone as the intake would have a noticeable gap/hole if I were to imitate the same set up on the actual aircraft, and with time constraints looking near I would rather spend more time on the tail which will need some work with putty, pink is both air vents highlighted, all F-4 models have these,


the Kit:

Bottom is cleaned up a bit, might do a bit more putty here:

Upper section of the fuselage again demonstrating the lack of air vents, I'm really tempted to leave it as is now....

Thanks all for looking :)
Igor, please don't take short cuts to finish by Sunday. We'd rather you are satisfied with your model rather than regret not having done something. I'm sure we can wait until you finish.
Thanks all for the kind words and support :)

I'll try and sort the issues on the intake tomorrow with exams coming up I've got less and less time now :( I'm hoping I finish before exams and have her ready for painting by Saturday but I'll see and keep it updated

puttied went down well and looks good for the intake, with the panel line re-scribed successfully

Paint tomorrow to see if it all went well,


and the bottom, looking good but I may tweak it a slight bit,

Thanks all that is it for today :)

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