**** DONE: GB- 35 1/144 F-4 Phantom - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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Almost there, final stretch and can't wait to see this over with it was a tough build Thank you all for the wishes and you've kept me in it the most.

First, off, marking off the markings and making them a bit better,

Working with the canopy, originally wasn't planned for today, but it just ended up happening,

From going good to disaster, the front portion of the canopy already had a little crack, but it started to crack even more, so I made the decision to cut the canopy free and will be posing it open :O

Read went well, I have a spare canopy (from this exact kit) and will use it for the front and possibly center if it isn't salvageable.

That is it for now, less pictures until all the rough stuff is done, what is left to do:
1. Check the wheels after they dry as they are pretty much complete
2. Drop tanks have been applied with green and grey and are complete, again need to dry.
3. finish the rest of the canopy tomorrow
4. finish the seats, they hit a snag as milliput hated me :O and then family showed up for Christmas dinner, so it was a no go but all in all good.

This is like the last 10 meters in a race I have to get it finished and you guys are the crowd urging me on, MANY MANY Thanks my friends you're keeping this runner from having that lactic acid build up get to me I run on, almost home
Thank you all Near the end, its more fine tuning now and not slipping on this work, the seats gave me hell but they are done added the pillows with milliput , just paint now and possibly a seat belt if I can string it in and not appear too thick, and they should be good to go, I decided not to cu
t down any more of the seats a
s they just cover up the spacing in the cockpit without further editing, and it would require excess work that would be tough now that the cockpit is zipped up. Many thanks to Terry for the pics of the Martin Baker Ejection Seat

and size comparison to a Q-tip,

and the real thing, Terry's pics:

There are a couple other ones I have all round from online sources if someone needs them for a future build don't hesitate to pm.

Next, the canopy, I decided to paint the other part of the canopy today and will separate and finish up the front end tomorrow if all goes well. So far, the missiles (AGM-45 I think), Wheels, and drop tanks are pretty much done just one to two more coats of paint to cover some areas and should be good.

and canopy pics, was hard to get the "window" on both sides of the middle section but I think it looks good, I'll have to trim the section as close as possible to the real thing, but the problem here is that it is thick in the kit section so trimming it would reveal the cockpit part.
I need to separate the front tomorrow and replace it with my spare canopy section, then I'll have to ask my Father to stop by and get some Elmer's PVA glue so I can attach these pieces later in the build.

Real aircraft's middle section you can see its substantially thinner,
middle is highlighted here and you can see the thinness and windows, pic found online.

If I'm able to finish the canopy tomorrow I'll probably have a larger update ready as it will go good, I hope I'm getting to finish this kit sooner
Thank you all for the support, its sadly gotten insane now but its step by step and going forward.
First, the canopy, all pieces have been cut and back ends have been painted while the front needs a bit more paint to complete it, going good so far These pieces I've cut down Tamiya tape and have been masking it one by one, I tried masking the entire cockpit section but that was not going to work on this small scale
First, I had to match the rear section with the front, they both are a match in size and shape (just the clear part moved in photographing and appears a bit longer)

The original thickness is on the right (fairly thick for an open canopy) so I ground down all the pieces very carefully and the result is the left piece.

Full cockpit sections

and painted a little more today

Along with an upper view:

Now the insignia, I highly recommend no one doing insignia this small :S they should have readily available decals for all scale The sad part is, I was focusing to get it as perfect as possible and still there is some deviation in the white :O just couldn't see it that well, I'll fix it tomorrow when there's better light.
right side:

Left side:

Left wing upper:

Lower insignia:

and US Insignia that I'm trying to re-create:

That's all for now and thank you all for checking it out the paint is very fiddly and I'll try the stars tomorrow
Good work Igor.
Have you considered making decals for the 'Stars and Bars' ?
You could reduce a scan of artwork or a larger scale decal, and print them onto white decal paper. Resolution wouldn't be great, but probably passable.
Good stuff. Are the kit insignia no good?
They're a tad too small, but the major issue is they are the grey insignia that isn't present on this bird. it was a trade off but so far with a lot of patience I hope it can get done with the brushing The kit should have come with Israeli decals (as the box art has it) but it came with one of the "Anniversary" Phantoms.

Good work Igor.
Have you considered making decals for the 'Stars and Bars' ?
You could reduce a scan of artwork or a larger scale decal, and print them onto white decal paper. Resolution wouldn't be great, but probably passable.

I was considering it a lot, but since I moved into house sitting the printer here isn't comparable to the one I have at home, and it would take me more time in this weather to get back and settle everything. The only issue on these colors would have been the red, and the decal film I've used in the past is very fragile :S

The main issue I have with the paint being applied by hand is getting the stars symmetrical, I think everything else could be somewhat passable
Stars are on so happy on the outcome today and I think it is fairly good, will do some touch ups tomorrow and maybe add the bars, Dad is delivering a batch of Elmers Glue and the canopy will soon take shape and for all my friend Happy New Year 2018 ! It is coming soon here
One side,

Upper Wing

Other side:

Lower wing:

Bars are only left to finish and a little more touch up.

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