Getting close now, and the larger 'fiddly bits' are nearly done, with the Lorenz antenna improved, if only slightly, and the wing tanks on.
PIC 1. The Lorenz antenna after replacing the mount and rear dipole - still not perfect, but acceptable enough for the cabinet.
PICS 2 and 3. The wing tanks, from the Fujimi kit, had the joint lines enhanced, filler caps engraved, and the main mounting bracket from the Eduard kit fitted, along with fuel and pressure lines from copper wire, before painting the brackets and lines.
PICS 4 to 7. The tanks have been attached to the wings, using pre-drilled holes, with the copper wire lines adding a little strength to the support. Bracing brackets, again from the Fujimi kit, have yet to be added to each side of each tank, a fiddly job I'll tackle tomorrow, when the brackets have fully set.
PIC 8. One pair of the Fujimi bracing brackets. One of the other pair has a break in the diagonal brace, which hopefully can be repaired once in place.
PIC 9. The Eduard kit does not include the retractable boarding ladder, which is rather strange, considering the huge amount of other, tiny detail parts. Therefore, the ladder from the Fujimi kit has been used, as that kit will be built with all canopies closed. It's been painted in RLM 02, as the red/white warning stripes were a later feature, not seen on aircraft in 1940.
So, tomorrow, the tanks will be completed, and the final 'sticky out' bits added, before giving some attention to the props. Yep, you've guessed it - they don't bl**dy fit !
The holes in the nacelles were too small, and have since been slightly enlarged, but there's a raised, circular 'collar' on the rear of each spinner back-plate, presumably to space the prop from the engine nacelle. But the spacing is far too severe, being probably in the region of 2 to 3 scale inches (I haven't measured it properly), and looks totally wrong. The 'collars' will have to be filed down, by trial and error until the fit looks more realistic - Oh, deep joy !!
Back some time tomorrow ..................