Moving along, I added the IFF antenna which is simply a strip cut from styrene card. I also lightly scribed the square panel into the paint at its base.
Some weathering was done on the yellow cowl and its edges using black pastel dust.
The prop has been roughed up and put into place. Silver and green pencil crayons were used and then some grey pastel dust swiped across the blades in the direction of the airflow.
The back of the blades got the same treatment, though much more silver was applied on the tips. Painting the insides of the exhaust stubs black is on my punch list. Some black pastel has been applied to the points where the blackmen's grubby hands messed up the finish.
The canopy is now stuck on. Some fine adjustments were needed and the fit is about an 8 out of 10. I might try pulling the lower front corner of the sliding canopy out but will need to break the CA bond there. But then, how do I pull it out.....
A fair amount of crayon work was done on the walk zones but it doesn't show well in the pics. *I didn't want to overdo the weathering as I don't think this aircraft was in service too long.
Left and right wingtip lights have been put in. First I stretch clear sprue then cut it in the middle. I then slowly advance the end toward the candle flame until a round bulb forms. Then the bit behind the bulb is painted and, once dry, the bulb is cut with a bit of a stem on it and inserted into the hole and glued with clear parts cement.
Pitot tube and mast painted.
This particular A-5 had the
Y-Gerät installed (initially added for leaders' aircraft but later made standard) and was therefore given the designation A-5Y. The mast is the kit-supplied PE part which is thicker than the usual PE so did the job. The flexible part is stretched sprue.
So, this brings me to where I wait for the resin wheels to show up. After those are installed, I'll add the antenna wire and the gear down indicators.
Thanks again for looking in.