What is it with these 40's?
Them wings fits came back to me when I built a Russian version.
Holey moley, no wonder new tooling is made for some of these old birds.
I've gotta stop cleaning. I'm finding things! I cleaned off my second bench and found a 1/32 scale F-105, F-4 and F-14 I have not seen in a couple of years! That didn't include a 72 scale KC-135R and RC-135V.
Had a bit of an issue putting on the inner forward wheel well doors. I lost a set, I saw the direction they went but they are small and the same color as the carpet. Lucky for me I have three of these kits. Hope I can find the others.
I shot the neutral grey bottom and found some seam work to clean up. not too bad after coming off a couple large bombers! Used Tamiya white putty for the repairs.