Not fully finished but I'm pretty happy with it so far. I can highly recommend the Wolfpack sets, I've used four different sets from F-4 wing fold kits to this set and love them.
Well good morning from Texas USA! In the immortal words of Davy Crockett,
So that's for the humor, I was very unhappy with the nose painting. I am continuing to have issues with acrylics peeling off when masked. My original mask looked to bee too deep for the yellow and the markings very by who is telling you to paint the nose. My original was a bit wobbly and too deep for my likings, and when remasked to paint the blue it peeled right off as did the blue when remasked again. SOOOO I sanded it all down and am trying it again. Some one once said, "If it worth doing, it's worth doing correctly!" Or words to those idea.
I then took some Tamiya masking tape and used the back of the cowl as the alignment and then used to Tamiya vinyl tape to clean up the demarcation line and then shot that.
I also worked on the AN/APS 4 radar pod. it will be flat whit so a brushed on some Vallejo primer to start with after cutting off the molded on wing rack. I'm using the ProModel wing rack.
A double wrok with the egine cowling, Don. instead of masking of the front ring and re-aplying of the yellow you should apply just the yellow firstly on the front area. Then you should mask the yellow ring and re-apply the blue. Anyway I would follow that way.
Is the tape adhesive too strong.
I don't recognize that white tape.
Are you using Tamiya tape for masking?
The adhesive is not as aggressive in the Tamiya range.