Thanks guys. Having compressor issues so I did the I.P. Not entirely accurate but it will be covered by the canopies. A couple if touch-ups still to be done. I used Humbrol for the red so I'll need to let this dry a spell. The instructions would have you fold up the right side so that it sits on a ledge. I'm going to remove it and add it later
Back to the compressor. I swapped out the old for the new, the old one rarely shut down even when the airbrush wasn't being used. I unscrewed the regulator/moisture trap from the old one and screwed it on to the new ended up upside down. No matter how I started to thread it on it ended up upside down or at best 45° from upside down. I added a thin nut and got it to line up correctly, however.......a small amount of air is escaping and the compressor kicks in every couple of seconds