**** DONE: GB-49 1/48 Mosquito B.XVI - Favourite A/C of WWII (2 Viewers)

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Thanks all - still bl**dy painful and awkward, nearly dropped a mug of coffee, as I couldn't hold it in one hand !
Rather p*ss*d off that I can't get any more done just yet, but hoping it will ease off overnight.
Thanks all - still bl**dy painful and awkward, nearly dropped a mug of coffee, as I couldn't hold it in one hand !
Rather p*ss*d off that I can't get any more done just yet, but hoping it will ease off overnight.

I'm not a doctor and I can't even play one, but what is the situation (availability) of CBD in the UK? I do, on occasion, have flare-ups of joins pains that are weather related or from being a 'week-end-warrior' (in the US, that's doing outdoors work that one is not used to) and a bit of CBD balm, the non-TCH varity, will tamp down most of the pain.
Thanks Wayne.

Ralph, not sure what CBD is, but I have severe, progressive Rheumatoid Arthritis, and have various pain-killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and control drugs for the RA., non of which have done much to relive the pain from this recent "injury".
I can actually see the tendon sheath under the skin, swollen, hot and inflamed. I reckon I did this on Monday, when trying to get my front door open - it had swollen and jammed shut near the bottom. As there is only one handle, at the door mid-point, all effort was focused on my right hand, and I'm sure this is how the stress happened.
Fortunately, the inflammation is decreasing, and the pain and stiffness are subsiding, so I hope to get back to work on the Mossie soon.
Thanks again Wayne.

The pain and stiffness have eased enough to allow me to make some progress, although it was slow going.
The remainder of the kit cockpit parts have been painted and assembled, the resin "Gee" parts have had the wiring added, and have been painted and installed, and the tail wheel "mudguard" painted and fitted.
The pics below show the state of things so far, and note that the fuselage is only taped together for the photos - I'll get around to joining it properly some time tomorrow.

It looks fantastic Terry - what can I say its beautiful!!
You guys ever consider a GB of the stuff that gets hidden? The work you guys put into cockpit and engine detail is amazing. Maybe before that bird is closed up for the next build, enter the "innards" in a Sub-build or "Hidden Treasures" category.
Fantastic work on the cockpit Terry
Glad your feeling better. An injury bug must have been going around the forum. My left shoulder and right elbow have been hurting for over a month and then last week I twisted my right knee and could barely walk. Its some what better now but I'm still limping and stairs are a pain because the shoulder and elbow make it hard to use the railing
Thanks Glenn.
I know all about the walking problem, and especially stairs !
Even after my recent treatment, I'm still struggling with stairs - very slow and uncomfortable, to say the least - and walking is still stiff and sometimes a tad painful too..

Hoping to get the fuselage joined later tonight, and then adapt and fit the Airfix bulged bomb bay. I was hoping to also use the Airfix canopy, but it may be a tiny tadette too narrow - I need to check further. If it can't be used, then hopefully the Airfix side windows can be used with the Tamiya kit canopy. The aft framework on this is not strictly accurate for the B.XVI, but passable.

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