**** DONE: GB-49 1/72 Gloster Meteor FIII - Favourite A/C of WWII

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1st Sergeant
May 28, 2009
User Name: ....... fastmongrel
Name: ................Stu
Category: .......... Intermediate
Kit: .....................Dragon
Scale: .................1/72
Accessories: ..... seatbelts from the spares box, Pavla vac form canopy.
Unit......................616 Squadron
Location.............. Belgium
Date.................... March 45

Had my eye on this kit for a while and this GB is the ideal time to have a go. The sprues look beautiful I have only had a quick look but I can't see any flash, sinkholes or even any raggedy edges. The clear sprue is surprisingly a bit crude in comparison and it might get replaced with a Pavla vac form. The wheels are also a bit below par so might be replaced but I will paint them first and make my mind up.

The box could do with a better artist

The instructions are a bit brief

Wheels look a bit crude

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The thing that's worrying me is the weight to stop it tail sitting. The instructions just say glue weight here >. No mention of what weight is needed my occasional builds of nose wheel kits have never had enough weight leading to frantically gluing lead in every nook and cranny.
Bung some weight in the nose - I normally use fishing lead shot or air rifle pellets, embedded in "Plasticine" - then tape the fuselage halves together. Calculate where the CoG should be, by checking the location of the main wheels relative to the fuselage ( or if possible, tape the wing in place ).
Then, hold the model at the estimated CoG ( or wing tips, if wing in place ) on the tips of the index fingers of both hands.
If the nose drops down, there should be enough weight - if not, add more !
The formula for calculating the required amount of weight is :- Drop (of nose) = weight x P, where P = Plenty !!!

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