**** DONE: GB-52 1/72 B-24H Hotcha Baby/ Me Worry!!?- Heavy Hitters IV

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After a few years sitting on the display shelf the horizontal stabilizer of the first Minicraft B-24 I built begin to sag so I added some internal aluminum tubing to prevent it.


The bomb bay doord had no detail to I scribed in some lines before gluing them in. Turned out to be a real nice fit.


I slapped on some paint to the cockpit insert and the interior fuselage walls. Still a lot to go in these areas

You're not the only one Andy

I decided to add some of the lower structure to the top turret ring along with making up a seat


Finished up the cockpit. Stole the bombadear's stool and put it by the radio operators table along with a radio on the table that will never be seen. Also added wine foil harnesses and some boxes behind the seats on the new bulkhead.



Also made up some control boxes for the cockpit walls


Lastly, finished up the waist compartment side walls

Good stuff Glenn.
Got me wanting to do my 1/48th B-24J (as a Bungay-based "H" model) - but I need to find room for that monster !!
Know what you mean Terry. I've had the Monogram B-24D stored on its box for over 20 years, done except the final paint and installing the wings because I don't have a space big enough to display it.

Some love going into that one Glenn.
Yep. When I found those pictures on the 484th's web site I just had to build it. Just lucky it fit into this group build.

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