**** DONE: GB-52 1/72 B-24H Hotcha Baby/ Me Worry!!?- Heavy Hitters IV

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Changing a B-24J Into a B-24H

All the B-24H's used the Emerson nose turret and were either made by Ford or used the Ford nose turret kit which is identified by the "S" shaped panel line to the rear of the turret and a tight fitting shroud around the turret. This kit being a B-24J, some changes needed to be made.

The first profile clip is that of a B-24J and the second is A B-24H. You can see that they are quite different.

I started by scribing in the "S" shaped panel line (red arrow), than added some plastic card to rough in the shroud

Thus last picture is after a couple of hours work shaping, filling and sanding the shroud to fit the turret and filling all the panel lines forward of the "S" shaped panel line.

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I have done (still not finished) this surgery for a B-24H in 1/48 (Monogram's J-model). Your turret is probably bigger in this scale, because the oval cutout in the top area is normally smaller. Still, it's a nicely done mod.
Don't forget to delete the lights on the chin - H-model doesn't have them.

You're absolutely right about the cutout. I had it smaller but when I test fitted the turret it did not match the bulges for the guns so I enlarged it.
After making that last post I had a look at the pictures of my dads plane and did notice that bulge in the tip of the nose was absent so it will be filed off.
The nose filed down, the bombardiers glass glued in, filed flush and polished.

Glued on the horizontal tail surface and spent some time blending it into the fuselage. Also spent a few hours sanding the entire fuselage and wings down with 1000 grit wet & dry to prep it for the silver paint

I was not happy with the pixilation on the edges of the two name decal art I made up so spent some time working on it and think it looks much better. Also made up the mission count bomb decal art using the Paint program

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I just knew the flimsy gun barrels were not going to last 10 minutes after I installed them so I replaced most of them with brass rod

I had one of the Squadron vac canopy sets on hand so decided to use it as the side windows did not have the side window blisters of the kit parts. The fit was very nice and will only need some minor blending in.

I managed to get some work on this weeekend.

First photo I finished blending in the vac canopy and spent over an hour masking the windows

Painted the area of OD anti-glare

And lastly sprayed on the Floquil Old Silver. There's a scratch just behind the canopy left by my file when I was blending in the canopy which I will have to deal with, but other than that I'm happy with the paint so far.
I'm feeling a bit better about getting this one finished before the dead-line now.


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