**** DONE : GB-53 1/48 Yak-3 - Eastern Front

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Forced myself to sit at the bench and resume this build. I'll try to put a push on it to finish but we'll see. I think I mentioned earlier that I decided to leave the engine exposed given the amount of work I put into it and the detail provided with the kit. Unfortunately, I had to cut a few parts away when I investigated to see if there was a way to interchange the closed cowl with the open engine so these parts need replacing.

I started by gluing the engine and framing in place. CA was essential for this as things need to be coaxed into place a bit but the fit is pretty much bang on.


Note the cannon barrel installed between the cylinder banks:


In the above pics, the moulded ammo feed chutes for the MGs had been cut off and you can see the white plastic extensions of the engine bearers fitted in front of the cockpit.

From there I went ahead and installed the MGs and their supports:


Hopefully I'll post some more progress in the next little while. Thanks for looking.
Thanks guys. Anyone have pictures of the area around the butt ends if the MGs in front of the windscreen?
Best I can come up with Andy is the sectional cutaway drawing in this link.
Just scroll down a few pages, then enlarge.
And actually the aera just looked like you said Andy. Here two enlarged shots I could find via the net. Not the best but just a quick look via the Internet.




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