Thanks very much for your interest chaps.
After umpteen hours of checking measurements, test fitting, re-checking and some "butchery", with hands and wrists now quite uncomfortable, I'm now very close to getting the cockpit completed.
The finished result will be a combination of kit parts, some 'spare' parts, and some adaptation and scratch-building, with, I hope, some reasonable (brush) painting.
There's still a lot to do, but the basics are now sorted, and I hope to get this finished over the weekend, and get the fuselage closed up, given the painting works out and dries in time (all paints are enamels, from Humbrol, and Revell, mixed as needed).
The cockpit Dull Dark Green was mixed initially using RLM 70 from Revell, with some Humbrol No.25 Blue added and, although this was probably pretty close to the "real thing", it looked rather dark in this scale A second mix was then tried, again with the Humbrol Blue, but this time using RLM 71 from Revell. It's perhaps still a little dark, but it's going to have to do. ( I'll try to get better lighting, and use a different camera, for the next batch of pics !)
Once the basic painting has fully hardened, some detail painting will be done, the cockpit parts assembled, and scratch-built items added, such as throttle and prop levers etc., before installing the completed cockpit and joining the fuselage halves.
The pics below show how things look at the moment, and I hope to post another update over the weekend.
Thanks again for looking in, and for the positive comments - now, where's that Cabernet Sauvignon................