**** DONE: GB-58 1/48 Heinkel He219 A-7 - Night Fighters all Eras

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I have edited my post and the quotation in your post because of a couple of typos I made due to the late time here.
But you are right. The FuG 212 was used with the early FuG 220 SN-2 airborn radar with pre-production and very early He 219s. When the FuG 220 SN-2c variant appeared, the FuG 212 C-1/C-2 unit was given up. When the FuG 220 SN-2d version was introduced a few late He 219s got the FuG 220 SN-2d additional tail warning unit at the tail. Because your model doesn't have the FuG 212 unit attached in the cockpit ( just the FuG 220 only ) it means that the antannae system for the FuG 212 wasn't installed at the nose. Actually I would suggest following a pic of the particular Uhu to check what antennas should be attached.

And yes on the A1 part. It was the radio set antenna. Regarding the A7 see my note above.
Still a bit confused on what is 'correct' and what is shown in the Tamiya instructions. Tomorrow, or so, I will try and understand.
Unfortunately thre is no rule for the antennas. Just tell me which Uhu you want to replicate. I may try to find a pic.

Anyway if you are going to replicate the A-7 variant the radar antennae should be like in the pics below .. regarding the tail warning one , it could be there too.


Calling it done. Here are some views. Believe me these are not conducive to zooming in. But I admit, to my eye, at scale (real build), this looks passabile. Canopy will deflect some of the hardness of the scratch builds, but got to begin somewhere, and also know when to move on. Fuselage halves just taped to dry fit and happy that the seams all close nicely.

Cockpit final port.jpg

cockpit final sb.jpg

cockpit final rear.jpg

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