**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire HF Mk.VIII - Spitfires

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Thanks Guys. Time has been at a premium of late....and decided I am not going to try for 2 or 3 separate builds, going to run a second bird in the background of this build so if I don't get where I want i dont have the frustration of leaving a GB entry not finished..but can continue later..
So having said that I am working on a Mk.XVI clipped wing Spitty of Polish 308 Squadron in parallel.
So over the past few days been chipping away at both sets of wings..doing mostly identical things....
So, GB Spitty radiators assembled, painted and fitted, Cannons done and attached too

and the Mk.XVI wings to the same point with added bomb racks...does save on a lot of repetitive detail and pics to save a bit of time...

Guess I am also learning some of the subtle differences between some Spitfire Marks.....cannon positions and bulges armaments.
Must say well done to Eduard on that.


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