**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire HF Mk.VIII - Spitfires

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Looks the biz Wayne.
One point though - the secondary straps on the seat harness did not emerge from the slot in the seat. When fitted (some Sutton harnesses only had the main shoulder straps, depending on date/Mark number etc.), the smaller straps went over the back of the seat, and were anchored to a frame low down behind the seat.
The slot in the seat was a hand hold to aid removal of the seat.
Good looking pit Wayne. I might add to Terry's comments and mention that the clip attached to the shoulder harness should rest somewhere in the seat bucket rather than float up on the backrest. The clip is a weighty hunk of steel and is attached with a thin chord which Eduard included on the PE sprue.

Thanks Guys, appreciated.

First Pic that Clip has been carefully removed and repositioned, thanks Andy..!
Wings are now in place along with Horizontal Stabs.....
Now I scored a small 'V' on the mating edges of the 2 upper cowling halves, glued them together and when set, added a strip of stretched sprue in the gap.
This ensures a better even surface when sanded smooth to ensure no telltale join in the 2 halves....
35_Readjust seat belt_5552.jpg
36_Wings attached_5546.jpg
41_Cowl Join_5446.jpg
42_Upper Cowl sprue_5543.jpg

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