**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire HF Mk.VIII - Spitfires (1 Viewer)

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Thanks Guys, was hoping to have both painted by now but lots of stuff got in the way over my holidays including lots of grandkids time, so modelling time has been very limited as well as forum time....
All i got to show at this point is masked canopies.... :(

61_Canopy Masking_2091.jpg
62_Canopy Masks__2092.jpg
63_Canopy Masks MkXVI_2094.jpg
64_Canopy masks MkXVI_2097.jpg
Thanks for your comments and patience, back at work and busy playing catchup so things a bit slow....But have been pushing forward as i can over the past week. Got the lower surface blue done as well as pastel work across the Wings and some masking for the upper surface colours....

65_Lower surface paint_2109.jpg
66_Lower Paint_2111.jpg
67_Lower paint_2113.jpg
68_Pastel Lower surface_5728.jpg
69_Lower Surface pastels_5732.jpg

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