**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire HF Mk.VIII - Spitfires

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The one good thing about applying all those stencils is that you can do 1 or 2 in a 10 minute span between other time commitments. The model is looking great Wayne.

I like how the colours turned out. Can I trouble you for the mix recipe for the Middle Stone?
Thanks Guys, Mix for you Andy and others that may use them....Tamiya Acrylics.

Middle Stone - XF59 : 3 XF60 : 1 Dark Earth - XF49 : 2 XF52 : 1
Azure Blue - XF2 : 100 XF8 : 5 XF18 :1 X16 : 2

Ok big progress on the Mk.XVI the past few days the Upper Green added, the yellow Wing Stripes masked and painted, pastels added to upper surface and Gloss coat on too.

94_MkXVI Dk Green Upper_5822.jpg
95_MkXVI Dk Green Upper_5824.jpg
96_MkXVI Yellow ID_5841.jpg
97_MkXVI Dk Green_5844.jpg
98_Pastel & Gloss_5849.jpg
99_Pastel & Gloss_5850.jpg
Thanks Guys, no worries Andy.

Moved the MkXVI forward further after the upper surface Gloss Coat, by adding all the Primary decals, I didn't have the Correct Codes for the fuselage so modified a set of Grey 1/72 30" letters by cutting a few into sections and trimming to shape and size to get as close as possible to the originals...last one shows
the start of the starboard side.

101_MkXVI_Primary Decals_5855.jpg
102_MkXVI_Primary Decals_5857.jpg
103_MkXVI_Primary Decals_5859.jpg
104_MkXVI_Primary decals_5860.jpg
105_MkXVI_Primary Decals_5855.jpg
106_MkXVI_Primary Decals_5853.jpg

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