**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire HF Mk.VIII - Spitfires

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Thanks for your interest Guys, still moving along....
Both prop assemblies with main paint and glossed, Mk.XVI lower surface glossed too.
Undercarriage assmblies painted and in place as well..
115_Prop Assy_5883.jpg
116_MkXVI Gloss_5885.jpg
Thanks Guys, got the second flat Coat on Thursday and the masks off the canopies but since then been knocked down with a Flu bug courtesy of the boss lady...

so while I'm real close to being done, this bug has me down so going to need a few extra days to finish off...

128_Second Flat coat_5914.jpg
129_Second Flat Coat_5921.jpg

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