**** DONE: GB-62 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Ia - Spitfires

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As with others, the cockpit looks great. A bit tedious with all those bits that will never be seen, but fun to construct none the less.

It was obvious that the small anchor detail on the tail was going to be the first sacrifice to the 'carpet monster' so I taped a bit of spru to the tail, longer than the bits length, and other than having to remove the 'protector' for painting, its doing its job. Bit still there.

I'm a bit behind with a lot, especially commenting, and taking photos. I'm at the dark earth paint stage and trying to get the green camo masking placed. The 'bonus' truck that comes with my series kit is in the background. Something to do while the main project paint drys.

I'm sure Ralph will be very pleased with the accolade Karl and Hugh and thanks for the little tip Ralph, it is something I usually do (if I remember) but in this instance on this kit I'll only need it in position when I apply the second upper camo colour i.e. the green.

Not much to show for almost five days on the workbench. I have just applied the underside sky and splashed a bit of aluminium in places where I may attempt some subtle wear. The boss is away tomorrow and so I may be able to mask up the belly and get a splash of Dark Earth down.

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Couple of bits missing on the underside yet. I might have waited with the paint.
Good reason for this Andy, the kit provided the undercarriage legs as a whole unit with a central brace that is tucked away within the build. I'm not keen on legs sticking out when doing the main bodywork spray, so the panels and the under nose air scoop have also been sprayed and will be attached later in the build after the camo has been completed.

This is the sequence of the build.

All good stuff and I have to say that once one adjusts to the instructions covering three aircraft types, it s a beautiful kit to work on.
I vacillated between doing like, but decided to attach the legs and panels and touch up the metal color after, Worked out well and I did not have any glue' spots' to deal with on the panels post painting.

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