Doras Galoras - Unofficial GB (1 Viewer)

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Right - batteries purchased.

Thought I'd try one with the full etch treatment and one without to see the difference - might add the rest of the etch to tell the truth.

The D11 is on the right, the D13 on the left.

These go into the fuselage next, then we're nearly ready for paint
Assembly line! As an observation though, you may have trouble fitting the D-11 engine plug assembly - the angle of the gun bay floor to the firewall doesn't look like it's 90 degrees.
Damn, OK, Im a late comer to this (murderous last few months - long story), but this maybe just the inspiration needed to finish this Roland Fw 190D-15 conevrsion (601286) - anyone else doing a 'real' D-15 (as opposed to a 'paper' D-14/-15)???

Welcome back Dan! Jump in, grab a beer and show us your stuff.

BTW, do you still have the decal file you made for the bare aluminum stencils? Wouldn't mind getting that off you if you still have it. I think Wayne sent you my e-mail address but if not, send me a PM please.
Rather busy this week so not much to show. Just added some of the wiring to the engine area. All of it is painted solder. There will be more needed in the gun bay and the engine will get some scratch details where the starter crank insert goes at the top.

Cant say I had ANY problems sitting the D-11 Plug on mine... Tho mine was a Weekend Edition, with an exhaust deflector stolen from a Dragon D-9 (its hard to go back to the old Dragon kit after the Eduard!!!)

And Crimea, I thought Wayne gave you my Email Address??? And did you not already have it? If not let me know - and let me know what a/c their for... Ive been starting to collate data on what plants and blocks used what supplies (as well well as where in the styrutcure you'd find the Black, Green and Red code), so we can shape the right Alloy Manufacturer to the Right a/c...

I know, pendatic!

As for my progress, its been SLOW, so I am going to try and finish this Cylon Raider as a weekend project (its 75% together now, all the major seams are curing, no decals and will just be an insane Alclad Experience! Cant wai to see how it looks in Alclad... And while that has been doing, you've inspired me to work on the D-15; I was takinga short cut and not putting an 'engine' in it, but I Dremel'd out the gear bay tin and a a heap of the (no redundant) internal formwork on the nose. I've just started looking at the back of one of the MANY DB605's I have for He 219 projects So I'll build the lower-rear quarter of that, whack some Ta 152C exhausts in it, kock out the decals on the printer here and go to town with the paint (based on Japo), While I am not convinced Japo get the nose right in its renders, I am happy with the colours they've etxracted...

Cylon Raider first!

Cylon Raider! Been doing one of those slowly myself, Dan...the Moebius Models one? looking forward to the Pegasus release

and I gave you Andy's address to contact him...bottom of the last email...

Considering one of the following Dora's to finish off that Dragon is without mods it fits a Mimetall series aircraft due to the small bulges on each side of the gun cover.
500093 Yellow 13
500408 White 12
500618 Black 10
500698 Brown 18
@Wayne - yeah, the Moebius 1:32 one - plenty of evidence of its 'short run' nature with LOTS of flash and DEEP panel lines (but in this case, i think its intention, which actually makes rescribing a bit harder than usual!), but its such a simple kit - 6 major pieces, none of which have 'tricky seams' (like the Fw 190 wing joins), no decals, all 'metal' finish. Ive put maybe 6hrs into it (jumping between it and the D-15 for the last two days) and if this coat of tamiya surface primer finishes up the 'difficult seams' it should be ready for paint in less than 10hrs.

Its BIG and it looks AWESOME; and whats even better, because it has no landing gear and just a 'stand', i have pre-made places to attach a 'holding stick' to when I paint! The Alclad is going to make this thing look evil! Black primer mostly, some grey here and there, then three colours of Alclad lacquer should do the job!

I've spent more than 10hrs just making this D-15 Nose (not incl. the Radiator and flaps!)...
1/48 D-9 Jg301 "red cat" Doras-Galoras unofficial groupbuild.

username: rochie
name: Karl
scale: 1/48
manufacturer: Dragon
aftermarket: sky decals

here's my entry for this one, should be able to make a start today !


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