so how does this sound ?
RLM 83/75 fuselage uppers
RAF sky looking RLM 76 lower fuselage
if lower wing leading edges are RLM81 would that make the upper wings and tail RLM81/75 (or lighter shade as suggested by Andy)what pattern ?
RLM 81/NMF lower wings with control surfaces and lower tail surfaces in RLM76
any thoughts
I can't think of a confirmed example of RLM81/75 wings - Japo suggests RLM81/76 may have been used on some wing sets (EE suggests RLM81/Neutral Light Grey), but generally, if you're going RLM81 on a wing set, then the complement to that is RLM82.
As for the RLM76, RAF Sky is a Greeny/Blue right (like the mysterious RLM84*)? Because it seems almost certain that the 500-series was generally found in the Cream-Grey colour (like an RLM02, lightened with white - or a REALLY light Radome Tan).
That profile you have just doesnt look right for either a 400- or 500-series a/c - RLM83 and RLM75 didnt appear on the fuselages of those blocks, IIRC... I'll do some quick poking round for you shortly.
On the good side, Alclad Black primer showed up today! So Im back in the game!