OK, Camo was applied at the factory (various sub-assemblies were delivered in various degree's of finish, but the factory still passed a spray gun over parts of the a/c to tie the parts together and cover anything that still needed covering and of course applied the National insignia and Werk Nummern), while Unit Markings (Rumpfband and Tactical codes) were applied at Unit Level. So, to GENERALISE from your example above, Focke-Wulf built machines, will have a different camo (and National Insignia's) to the Fieseler built machines; BUT the machines going to the same unit, will PROBABLY have a very similiar style of Unit Level marking... So yes, you're pretty safe to assume '13' on one a/c and '13' on a different a/c around the same time, will look much the same.
Now, lets look more closely at probable camo's:
210982 - probably wore the transition RLM76/82/83 scheme, with solid RLM76 under wing surfaces and LIKELY little bits of RLM81 on the tail! National Insignia were all standard FW sizes (small tail, std fuselage and B4 underwing)...
600174 - much tougher to make a call, as much of this block had small (600mm) white fuselage B5's with large (530mm) black H3 and MY personal gut feeling is that the a/c with White B5's were in RLM74/75/75 - the B&W pics make it very hard to tell! Regardless on your take on the colours (RLM74/75/76, RLM76/82/83, RLM76/81/83 or whatever other combination of parts you want - no one really seems to want to make a definitive call on some of these a/c) most of the block featured the rear half of the lower wing surfaces in bare metal. Also around this point in the block, we seen a very unique and denser form of 'spotty/streaky' mottling appear for a while (check out 600150 and 600175 for example), which seems to evolve as we move on into the 601-series.
Note for JG 26, the seem to have had a few a/c with an 'early' style rumpf band which did NOT use fuselage extention as the reference points, instead was based completely off the final fuselage rivet line... - later style Rumpfband used the last rivet line and rear edge of the fuselage extension as limits, with a line 50mm back from the front edge of the fuselage extension as the 'centreline'...