OK, here we go - and yes, some of the panels on the nose need cleaning/scraping to get the grey crap out of them - the flash makes it look worse than it is, but I am sure we all are acquainted with that effect!
So, to the pics:
This is the goal (sans the third suspected External stiffner - yes, I am STILL researching; analysing photo's of the burnt a/c, Focke-Wulf Drawings, etc. Hance my choice to go with an angled Deck Lid panel and not the vertical one in this pic)
Overall view (sans super charger and extra stiffener) - DAMN Black-Paint + flash is CRUEL...
Head on, though not quite as centered as I wanted. Getting this thing both Square to the x-axis and Oriented Properly in the z-axis, has taken probably the largest chunk of effort and time thus far; and is likely the reason I suddnely found myself about 0.5-1.0mm short on over all length at one point. All the sanding/filing, test fit, sand/file, test fit some more, etc, took off that much plastic!
RH 3/4 view - its hard to see, but you can (only) just make out the gap at the rear of the deck lid still. Obviouly less recent sanding on this side as most of the panel lines are pretty neat, but just as obvious is the filing on the RH side and top of the deck lid; filing is the best way to keep these panels as flat and true as possible, and with a nice, fine file, you can easily go straight to 600grit or even 800grit Wet/Dry. What is nice and obvious is the LH Engine Mount fairing shape, which tends to be a bit obscured in the above pics by the colour
LH 3/4 view - Mocked up with the supercharger intake blu-tacked on; missing the exhaust deflector - but that comes later...
So, Mr.W; happy now
I know Im feeling MUCH better than everything lines up and the major joins fit flush; I dont want to be filling and sanding on the deck lid and vertical fuselage seams, due to the nearby stiffener plates (which as you can see, were replaced with custom plates. The remnants of purple marker on each side, gives hint to the location of the fuselage third stifferner on each side...