**** DOUNE: GB-36 1/48 Ju-87B-2 Stuka - Axis Manufactured Aircraft of WWII

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Good stuff Jeff. Interesting about the yellow. On other sites I find people who swear that they shoot Tamiya straight from the bottle. I did it with Smoke at 20ish psi without problems
Looks great Tamiya is the only thing in my household (I've tried Vallejo but it seems that Mr. Tamiya hides in my closest and sabotages any non-Tamiya products) I'm even starting to buy his paint brush line exclusively :O hehe
Good progress on the Stuka! Interesting to see the wings painted before they are attached to the fuse. I shoot Tamiya Yellow thinned (with iso alcohol) without any problems.
Good afternoon all. Some progress photos. The components of this build are slowing getting to the point where I will be joining them all together. RLM 71 has been applied to the fuselage and I have started the splinter scheme of RLM 70. The wings have had the decals applied and the ordinance will be assembled and attached after the wings have been attached to the fuselage. Tail planes are painted and ready for attachment. Engine pod will also soon be glued into place. The rear canopy piece is just sitting in place as I still have to install the rear firing machine gun. Lots of little pieces to attach as well and then touch ups. I am hoping to finish this before I leave for Mexico next Monday but if I do not get her finished then she will wait patiently for me to return.

The minor scratches on the fuselage are in areas that will be covered in RLM 70 when I get to that area of splinter camo.



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