A bit of progress today. The fuselage painting is complete save for a couple of touch ups that are required. The tail planes are glued into place, the spinner is set into place for the pics and the last picture shows the fuselage sitting on the wings but not glued into place.
The fuselage has also now been given a coat of Future and I will let it dry for a couple of days. The plan is to decal the fuselage before attaching the wings.
I am hoping to have this one done by the deadline.
Looking very good Jeff. FYI, the underwing crosses are a bit of a nightmare if you want to represent what was really done. The crosses were actually located a little more forward and under the dive brakes. to account for that, the dive brakes were painted with the cross colours as well. Like this:
I have the decals still to put on the divebrakes. I just haven't got around to putting them on yet. The angle of the photo makes it look like the crosses are too far back but there is actually divebrake overlap of the crosses.
Decided to paint the theater band instead of using decals and started with the fuselage decals. May find some time to pluck away more at it tonight, for now....
The Future adds a sheen but it will of course be taken care of with some dullcoat at the appropriate time.